Helpful Hint #20: Exchange Programs

Hello Readers!

***A note about last week’s giveaway***

Please check out blog post #19 for your chance to win a $20 Tim Hortons gift card! I’m keeping this contest open for one more week. All you have to do is comment on the post with your best advice for student, and you’ll be entered to win!

*Back to regularly scheduled programming*

I was out the other night with some friends and we started talking about school. Most of my friends (myself included) are graduating from post-secondary school this year. But one of my friends is still in the middle of their degree. She mentioned wanting to go on an exchange trip next year, and I thought to myself ‘that sounds so fun. I should have done that.’

Medsin Exchanges

So, my advice for you this week is to see if your school offers an exchange learning experience. Even if you don’t end up going on the trip, it won’t help to check it out. Maybe it will give you some travel ideas for when you’re done school.

Or, if you really do want to go, now is the time in your life to do it! Sure, you’ll still have to study while you’re there, but you’ll be in a whole new place with so many new things to experience that school probably won’t feel quite so much like a commitment.

I haven’t traveled much, but when I have gone places I loved it. I think that if this is something you’re considering, you should just go for it. Why not? It will be a bit of a financial commitment, but when again in your life are you going to have the opportunity to just take off to a new country?

At the very least, look into it. You never know where it might take you!

Thanks for reading!


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